
Grammar Rule - 1 (Plural)

 Let's start this session with a question: Which out of the three sentences is grammatically correct? A) All Head-of-Departments are requested to forward the report at the earliest. B) All Heads-of-Department are requested to forward the report at the earliest. C) All Heads-of-Departments are requested to forward the report at the earliest. Answer: The correct answer is B. Heads-of-Department .

Connecting Words, Phrases and Sentences for various purposes in Noting and Drafting

Connecting Words: Firstly, Furthermore, In addition, Moreover, Additionally Likewise, Consequently, Therefore, Nonetheless, Nevertheless, Subsequently, Meanwhile, On the contrary, In conclusion, Phrases for Introducing Complaints or Correspondences: We have received a complaint regarding… It has come to our attention that… We would like to bring to your notice… We are in receipt of a letter concerning… This is to inform you about… Phrases for Noting and Summarizing Information: According to the correspondence, The complaint alleges that, The main points raised are, The primary concerns are, After careful examination, Upon reviewing the documents, In light of the facts presented, Based on the evidence provided, Phrases for Referring to Previous Correspondences: As per our earlier conversation, As stated in the previous email, In response to your letter dated, Following up on our discussion, Referring back to our meeting, Sentences for Conveying Decisions or Recommendations: We recommend...

Use of shall for Noting Drafting..!!

Many a times we get confused when we see shall in an official document and we wonder why the modal verb shall has been used when any other modal verb would have provided a clearer meaning. Well I found an article which covers all possible usages of shall in official writing and I found it very useful. So sharing the link with you all.

Daily Wisdom..!!(10)


Lets start the new year with new resolutions..!!


Daily Wisdom..!! (9)


Daily Wisdom..!! (8)
